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Transformujte své stěny s našimi fascinujícími tapetami s vědeckou tematikou. Objevte vzory jako vintage rámy houbami a nebeskými měsíci, které vzbuzují zvědavost a inspirují k tvořivosti. Tyto unikátní kusy mohou proměnit jakoukoli místnost v oázu znalostí a fantazie. Bez ohledu na to, zda jste nadšenec do vědy nebo si prostě užíváte zajímavé vizuální prvky, naše kolekce má něco pro každého. Prozkoumejte a najděte perfektní tapetu, která vyjádří vaši vášeň pro vědu ještě dnes!


Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Red Madder

Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Red Madder

Planet Parade

Planet Parade

Fantastic Jellyfish - Delft Blue & Cream

Fantastic Jellyfish - Delft Blue & Cream

Fantastic Creatures - RedMadder

Fantastic Creatures - RedMadder

old school science

Old school science

1034 Latin phrases handwriting

1034 Latin phrases handwriting

dark academia portrait wall

Dark academia portrait wall

Historic Construction And Technology Beige

Historic Construction And Technology Beige

Fantastic Creatures - Anthracite

Fantastic Creatures - Anthracite

Europe City LIghts

Europe City LIghts

Bugs And Beetles

Bugs And Beetles

Strange Mollusks Toile de Jouy - Seafoam

Strange Mollusks Toile de Jouy - Seafoam

Our System

Our System

The Solar System

The Solar System

The Red Planet

The Red Planet

Fantastic Jellyfish - Peaches & Cream

Fantastic Jellyfish - Peaches & Cream

Woodland Elements - Black & Sand

Woodland Elements - Black & Sand

Elaborate Jellyfish - Cream and Slate

Elaborate Jellyfish - Cream and Slate

Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Storm Blue

Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Storm Blue

Space Doodles

Space Doodles

Historic Flower Drawing Black And White

Historic Flower Drawing Black And White

Fantastic Creatures - Mustard

Fantastic Creatures - Mustard

Fantastic Creatures - Storm Blue

Fantastic Creatures - Storm Blue

Historic Construction Technology

Historic Construction Technology

Historic Flower Drawings Black And White

Historic Flower Drawings Black And White



The Planet Earth

The Planet Earth

Parallel Universe

Parallel Universe

Extraterrestrial Landscape

Extraterrestrial Landscape

Historic Flower Drawing Script Black White

Historic Flower Drawing Script Black White

Elaborate Jellyfish - Teal and Cream

Elaborate Jellyfish - Teal and Cream

Vintage Beetles Insects And Bugs

Vintage Beetles Insects And Bugs

Woodland Elements - Delft Blue

Woodland Elements - Delft Blue

Bohemian  Golden Moon

Bohemian Golden Moon

Impossible Pufferfish - Nougat

Impossible Pufferfish - Nougat

Women of Science

Women of Science

Historic Construction And Technology Grey

Historic Construction And Technology Grey

Elaborate Jellyfish - Gold & Bordeaux

Elaborate Jellyfish - Gold & Bordeaux

Lunar Cowboy

Lunar Cowboy

Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Taupe

Vintage Framed Mushrooms - Taupe

math in color

Math in color

Elaborate Jellyfish - Delft Blue

Elaborate Jellyfish - Delft Blue

Earth Night And Day

Earth Night And Day

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