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Scenes from Eilat 2018 32

Scenes from Eilat 2018 32

The fisherman I

The fisherman I

LANDSHAPES - Beach - night

LANDSHAPES - Beach - night

Scenes from Eilat 2018, 23

Scenes from Eilat 2018, 23

The Wanderer’s Dream

The Wanderer’s Dream

Serene Peak Landscape

Serene Peak Landscape



Foggy Woodland Escape

Foggy Woodland Escape

The Last

The Last

The fisherman II

The fisherman II

Scenes from Eilat 2018 30

Scenes from Eilat 2018 30

Lone Surfer

Lone Surfer



Mountains of the Judean Desert 5

Mountains of the Judean Desert 5

Mountains of the Judean Desert 9

Mountains of the Judean Desert 9

Seaside 32

Seaside 32

Ocean Dunes

Ocean Dunes

Mountains of the Judean Desert 10

Mountains of the Judean Desert 10

Urban Cafe Reflection

Urban Cafe Reflection

Solitude and Space

Solitude and Space

The Little Clearing

The Little Clearing

Blurry fisherman

Blurry fisherman

Driving across the Judean Desert

Driving across the Judean Desert

Mountains of the Judean Desert 8

Mountains of the Judean Desert 8

Walk along the edge of Nowhere

Walk along the edge of Nowhere

Dark Sailing

Dark Sailing

Sunset Serenity Scene

Sunset Serenity Scene

The Light Fantastic III

The Light Fantastic III

Mystical Pines Landscape

Mystical Pines Landscape

Desert Road Serenity - USA

Desert Road Serenity - USA

Serene Rocky Peaks in the Dolomites

Serene Rocky Peaks in the Dolomites

Seaside 33

Seaside 33

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