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Objevte naši ohromující kolekci tapet s pruhy! Od růžových a modrých pruhů po pastelové duhové designy, tyto tapety přinášejí hravou atmosféru do každé místnosti. Přijměte barevnou estetiku s Sweet Waves nebo klasickými zelenými a modrými pruhy. Ideální pro každého, kdo chce oživit svůj domov. Vyberte si design, který vám vyhovuje, a oživte své zdi. Užijte si dopravu zdarma na všechny objednávky, což usnadňuje proměnu vašeho prostoru už dnes!


Pink and blue stripes

Pink and blue stripes

Green and blue stripes

Green and blue stripes

Sweet Waves

Sweet Waves

Touch the Ground

Touch the Ground

Sky Blue Stripe

Sky Blue Stripe

Brown color stripes

Brown color stripes

Mustard Magical Stripes

Mustard Magical Stripes

Soft Stripes Pastell

Soft Stripes Pastell

Popcorn Red Stripes

Popcorn Red Stripes

Tender stripes medium – blue and cream

Tender stripes medium – blue and cream

Serenity Striped Vista

Serenity Striped Vista

Monochrome sage Green Stripe

Monochrome sage Green Stripe

Overlapping Stripes

Overlapping Stripes

Pastel Rainbow Stripes

Pastel Rainbow Stripes

Abstrace Stripes_beige neutral

Abstrace Stripes_beige neutral

Abstract Stripes_blue on white

Abstract Stripes_blue on white

Stripes rosa and red

Stripes rosa and red



Contemporary brown Lines.Warm simplicity

Contemporary brown Lines.Warm simplicity

Delicate Rose Gold Stripes

Delicate Rose Gold Stripes

Blue Stripe

Blue Stripe

Light Pink Peony Stripes

Light Pink Peony Stripes

Monochrome Dusty Blue Stripe

Monochrome Dusty Blue Stripe

Vertical Stripes beige brown

Vertical Stripes beige brown

Pinstripes on light blue

Pinstripes on light blue

Intense Rose Gold Stripes

Intense Rose Gold Stripes

Kelly Green Stripe

Kelly Green Stripe

Modern Stripes Chic Yellow

Modern Stripes Chic Yellow

Simple classic vertical stripes pink green

Simple classic vertical stripes pink green

Elegant Botanical Stripes / Light Blue

Elegant Botanical Stripes / Light Blue

Staggered Stripes - Petrol Blue

Staggered Stripes - Petrol Blue

Monochrome Blue Stripe

Monochrome Blue Stripe

Staggered Stripes - Jade Green

Staggered Stripes - Jade Green

Abstract Stripes_brown

Abstract Stripes_brown

Stripes navy sage

Stripes navy sage

Abstract Stripes_pink

Abstract Stripes_pink

Boho stripes orange navy sage

Boho stripes orange navy sage

Classic stripes light blue 3242E

Classic stripes light blue 3242E

Colorful fusion

Colorful fusion

floral stripes sage green

Floral stripes sage green

Light blue and pink vertical stripes

Light blue and pink vertical stripes

Abstract Linocut Pattern #7

Abstract Linocut Pattern #7

Abstract Stripes_black white

Abstract Stripes_black white

Happy Stripes Nursery

Happy Stripes Nursery

Abstract Stripes_peach

Abstract Stripes_peach

Crispy Red Stripes

Crispy Red Stripes

Chevron beige sand big

Chevron beige sand big

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