Lucrecia Caporale
Lucrecia Caporale

Lucrecia Caporale

Lucrecia found her creative haven as a surface pattern designer and artist. Hailing from Argentina, she has woven her life's tapestry amidst the enchanting landscapes of Ireland. Nature's her playbook, and she draws inspiration from its forms, textures, and colours. It's the wellspring of her creativity, giving her the balance, vitality, and clarity that she weaves into her daily journey.


Tranquil Blue Hues

Tranquil Blue Hues

Serene Landscape

Serene Landscape

Nasturtium Tapestry

Nasturtium Tapestry

Vintage Lake Scene

Vintage Lake Scene

Pastel Serenity Art

Pastel Serenity Art

Earthy Chic Vibes

Earthy Chic Vibes

Butterfly grid

Butterfly grid

Elegant Blue Leaves

Elegant Blue Leaves

Pastel Swirl Dream

Pastel Swirl Dream

Calming Sky Tones

Calming Sky Tones

Abstract Line Design

Abstract Line Design

Autumn path

Autumn path

Painterly Flowers

Painterly Flowers

Interlacing Lines

Interlacing Lines

Interlacing in beige

Interlacing in beige

Moody floral arrange

Moody floral arrange

Dancing Lines

Dancing Lines

Antique Flower

Antique Flower

Ocean In Lines

Ocean In Lines

Irregular Lines

Irregular Lines

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