Konec února na vysoké úrovni s 15% slevou na celou naši kolekci tapet. Osvěžte svůj prostor hned teď!
tropical lounge

Tropical lounge

Tropické universa se společným barevným schématem - náladové přírodní motivy, divoké kočky, rajky, palmové listy


Cheetahs in Tropical Wonderland (big size)

Cheetahs in Tropical Wonderland (big size)

White palm leaves on mustard (big size)

White palm leaves on mustard (big size)

white palm leaves on green

White palm leaves on green

birds of paradise on dark green

Birds of paradise on dark green

bird of paradise jungle green wall

Bird of paradise jungle green wall

Bird of paradise on ocher

Bird of paradise on ocher

rattan tiles black

Rattan tiles black

Rattan Tiles Beige

Rattan Tiles Beige

Rattan Tiles Sage Green

Rattan Tiles Sage Green

Animal printed leafes - XXL

Animal printed leafes - XXL

Rattan Tiles Gold

Rattan Tiles Gold

modern palm pattern neutral colors

Modern palm pattern neutral colors

rattan tiles petrol

Rattan tiles petrol

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