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Jmenuji se Dagmar a ráda vytvářím návrhy tapet s uklidňující chladnou estetikou pro váš domov. Inspiruji se přírodou, městským životem a vintage dekorem a zábavnými drobnostmi v každodenním životě. Pro požadavky na barvu nebo měřítko mě prosím kontaktujte přes Instagram @dalightdesign. Pro odpovídající látku se prosím podívejte na https://www.spoonflower.com/dalightdesign


Vintage oranges and dots orange grove cream

Vintage oranges and dots orange grove cream

Art Deco flower garden black and white

Art Deco flower garden black and white

Western cactus garden sand

Western cactus garden sand

Animal library - safari animals reading

Animal library - safari animals reading

Orange tree garden with parrots vanilla

Orange tree garden with parrots vanilla

Let the Music play - Vinyl records orange

Let the Music play - Vinyl records orange

Lissabon intertwined ornaments Vanilla

Lissabon intertwined ornaments Vanilla

Asian ornaments Vanilla

Asian ornaments Vanilla

Make coffee like a barrista

Make coffee like a barrista

Cabincore night owl green

Cabincore night owl green

Calm mid century geometric with dots pink

Calm mid century geometric with dots pink

Chinese lanterns Vanilla cream

Chinese lanterns Vanilla cream

Cycling in the mountains large cream green

Cycling in the mountains large cream green

Nautical ropes and shells light blue

Nautical ropes and shells light blue

Fishing for sushi - surrealist sushi bowls

Fishing for sushi - surrealist sushi bowls

Vintage trailing flower stripes cream

Vintage trailing flower stripes cream

Cabincore night owl off white orange

Cabincore night owl off white orange

Nautical ropes and shells cream

Nautical ropes and shells cream

Art Deco flower garden blue

Art Deco flower garden blue

Delft garden flower tiles

Delft garden flower tiles

Tropical jungle with monkeys green

Tropical jungle with monkeys green

Western cactus garden ochre

Western cactus garden ochre

Black florest black and white twigs

Black florest black and white twigs

Meditating buddha and lotus pink brown

Meditating buddha and lotus pink brown

Hummingbirds feeding on chocolate brown

Hummingbirds feeding on chocolate brown

A surrealist's library - bibliophilia dark

A surrealist's library - bibliophilia dark

Pasta lover's flower garden

Pasta lover's flower garden

Retro ladies with swimming cap in the pool

Retro ladies with swimming cap in the pool

Find your favorite flower - bold floral red

Find your favorite flower - bold floral red

Over the hills black

Over the hills black

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