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Amanda Grace Design
Amanda Grace Design

Amanda Grace Design

Self-taught artist, Amanda Corcoran, has honed her keen eye and natural talent into a profitable design business. Her portfolio showcases unique patterns, soft muted palettes, and sophisticated motifs. Amanda has always loved design but her drawing skills came into their own after she witnessed her 5 year old daughter’s dedication to a habit of drawing every day. Amanda took her daughter’s example and ran with it. She made the commitment to draw every day and her skills blossomed like the gorgeous floral patterns she loves to create. Amanda is inspired by her faith, family, and the natural beauty of her rural home in Loudoun County, Virginia. (And here’s a little secret, even her business name is inspired by family. The “Grace” in Amanda Grace Design is her daughter’s middle name.)


Bright pink wildflowers

Bright pink wildflowers

Watercolor Roses in blue

Watercolor Roses in blue

Watercolor Yellow Tulips

Watercolor Yellow Tulips

Love Letters

Love Letters

Watercolor Pink flowers

Watercolor Pink flowers

Delicate watercolor flowers

Delicate watercolor flowers

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