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Yen Do & Martin Podt Photography
Yen Do & Martin Podt Photography

Yen Do & Martin Podt Photography

Jmenuji se Yen Do a mým cílem je umožnit vám vychutnat si krásu přírody prostřednictvím mých fotografií. Fotoart tvořím společně s Martinem Podtem. Podívejte se také na naše webové stránky https://www.yendophotography.com/ a https://www.martinpodt.com/


Soft morning light at the acacias

Soft morning light at the acacias

Dutch forest with beautiful sunrays

Dutch forest with beautiful sunrays

In between the tree trunks

In between the tree trunks



Dolomites - Explosion of light

Dolomites - Explosion of light

Wild garlic forest at sunrise

Wild garlic forest at sunrise

From the book of fairy tales

From the book of fairy tales

Angel Oak Tree

Angel Oak Tree

California Redwoods

California Redwoods

The famous street of Bellagio

The famous street of Bellagio

Lowcountry tree tunnel

Lowcountry tree tunnel

Deer in a Dutch forest

Deer in a Dutch forest

Another day in paradise

Another day in paradise

Sunrise in paradise

Sunrise in paradise

Summer reflections

Summer reflections

Dolomites panorama

Dolomites panorama

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