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Yara Dutra
Yara Dutra

Yara Dutra

Ahoj! Jsem umělec a designér povrchových vzorů se sídlem v Barceloně ve Španělsku. Moje vzory naplňují prostory nádechem nadčasové elegance a klidu, přinášejí exteriér dovnitř a propojují lidi s přírodou smysluplným způsobem.


Art Deco Palm Leaf, Sage Green on Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Sage Green on Cream

Monochrome Dusty Pink Stripe

Monochrome Dusty Pink Stripe

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Green on Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Green on Cream

Lotus Art Deco, Deep Teal

Lotus Art Deco, Deep Teal

Mid Century Modern Stars, Pewter Grey

Mid Century Modern Stars, Pewter Grey

Sky Blue Stripe

Sky Blue Stripe

Scallops, Navy Blue on White

Scallops, Navy Blue on White

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Beige and Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Beige and Cream

Scallops, Sage Green on White

Scallops, Sage Green on White

Mid Century Modern Stars, Black and White

Mid Century Modern Stars, Black and White

Scallops, Beige on Creamy White

Scallops, Beige on Creamy White

Monochrome sage Green Stripe

Monochrome sage Green Stripe

Boho Scallops, Warm Yellow / Warm Gold

Boho Scallops, Warm Yellow / Warm Gold

Lotus Art Deco, Kristal Teal

Lotus Art Deco, Kristal Teal

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Brown and Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Brown and Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Navy Blue on White

Art Deco Palm Leaf, Navy Blue on White

Pink and Red Stripe

Pink and Red Stripe

Lotus Art Deco, Deep Teal, Smaller

Lotus Art Deco, Deep Teal, Smaller

Monochrome Dusty Blue Stripe

Monochrome Dusty Blue Stripe

Mid Century Modern Star, Golden Brown

Mid Century Modern Star, Golden Brown

Blue Stripe

Blue Stripe

Kelly Green Stripe

Kelly Green Stripe

Lotus Art Deco, Beige and Cream

Lotus Art Deco, Beige and Cream

Lotus Art Deco, Black and Gold

Lotus Art Deco, Black and Gold

Light Blue and White Checkerboard

Light Blue and White Checkerboard

Lotus Art Deco, Beige and Cream, smaller

Lotus Art Deco, Beige and Cream, smaller

Backyard bunnies, Blue

Backyard bunnies, Blue

Mid Century Modern Stars, Beige

Mid Century Modern Stars, Beige

Sunburst, Glowing Sun, Yellow

Sunburst, Glowing Sun, Yellow

Birdsongs, Chinoiserie Woodland

Birdsongs, Chinoiserie Woodland

Art Deco Palm Leaf, White Bone and Cream

Art Deco Palm Leaf, White Bone and Cream

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