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Uwe Merkel
Uwe Merkel

Uwe Merkel

Photographer primarily specializing in Artwork for Wall Art and Interior Design.


Hot air balloon travel

Hot air balloon travel

Plastered wall

Plastered wall

Flourishing Skull II

Flourishing Skull II

Día de muertos

Día de muertos

Grey Concrete

Grey Concrete

Ancient library

Ancient library

Flourishing Skull

Flourishing Skull

Dinosaur jungle

Dinosaur jungle

Colorful birds

Colorful birds

Sea sand and dunes

Sea sand and dunes

Various wine bottles on a desk

Various wine bottles on a desk

Morning sun over the sea

Morning sun over the sea

Sunset on the beach

Sunset on the beach

Urban brick wall

Urban brick wall

Algarve rock coast

Algarve rock coast

Colorful fish world

Colorful fish world

Fantasy sky

Fantasy sky

Happy day in the sun

Happy day in the sun

Skull in pink

Skull in pink

Azulejos tiles in Lisbon

Azulejos tiles in Lisbon

Various pebble stones in grey

Various pebble stones in grey

Romantic chapel

Romantic chapel

Deep jungle

Deep jungle

Black lava rock wall

Black lava rock wall

Wooden jetty

Wooden jetty

Oriental pattern

Oriental pattern

Lisbon ceramic tiles Azulejos

Lisbon ceramic tiles Azulejos

Watch detail

Watch detail

Oriental style

Oriental style

Azulejos-Portugese tiles

Azulejos-Portugese tiles

Pier at sunset

Pier at sunset

Sakura Fuji

Sakura Fuji

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