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Tess Callervik
Tess Callervik

Tess Callervik

Tess J Design creates visual expressions for clients through Graphic Design, Illustrations and unique patterns. Solutions by Tess J Design are tailor made and build upon close interaction with clients as all individual projects needs a unique solution. The Goal is to create design that is sustainable and that both parties are proud of!


Under sea Adventure - The World of Kindness

Under sea Adventure - The World of Kindness

Go hunting

Go hunting

Swedish Summer

Swedish Summer

Owl forest

Owl forest

La La dream

La La dream

Dream Away

Dream Away

Sunset Blvd

Sunset Blvd

Golden Moon Phases

Golden Moon Phases

Mystic Polar Night - The World of Kindness

Mystic Polar Night - The World of Kindness

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