Rosi Feist
Rosi Feist

Rosi Feist

My designs originally made as "Paper Cut Outs". I love the trivial. I could find inspiration for my next motif in a garden chair or a rubbish bin.
 I’m just doing handmade paper collages. I use paper with different grammage, thats all i need. My work is a analog process.
 I’m currently live in Berlin in a small wooden house with my wife, my newborn daughter and my dog.


Mr Dz Breakfast

Mr Dz Breakfast

Lemo Nade

Lemo Nade

Dachshund Rosi

Dachshund Rosi

Running Track

Running Track

LA Stahl House

LA Stahl House

Outer Space

Outer Space

Palm Spring Bungalow

Palm Spring Bungalow

Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada



Sunrise Ahrenshoop

Sunrise Ahrenshoop

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