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Patries Elisabeth
Patries Elisabeth

Patries Elisabeth

Patries Elisabeth is a designer and illustration artist. Her style embodies her love catching simplicity, showing contrasts and adding intentionally chosen details. All of the artwork is handdrawn full with unique design elements with a mixture of bold colours and bright pastel shades, which creates a lively and playful, modern with a classic female touch. You can find matching textiles for your home decor: textilwerk.com/patries-elisabeth/ and spoonflower/patries_elisabeth


Tropical Macaw Bird Big Dark

Tropical Macaw Bird Big Dark

Tropical Macaw Bird Big Bright

Tropical Macaw Bird Big Bright

Summer Mirage

Summer Mirage

Tropical Macaw Bird Big Color

Tropical Macaw Bird Big Color

Tropical Macaw Bird Darkgreen

Tropical Macaw Bird Darkgreen

Tropical Macaw Bird pastell

Tropical Macaw Bird pastell

Windy Sunset Palm Trees Dance

Windy Sunset Palm Trees Dance

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