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Oana So
Oana So

Oana So

Oana is a visual artist who’s constantly snooping around for creative and original manifestations in design, and looking to connect with the minds that formed them.


Silence in Kyoto

Silence in Kyoto

Line art Pastel Roses pattern

Line art Pastel Roses pattern

Pastel delicate petals

Pastel delicate petals

Into the Wild

Into the Wild

Faded Turquoise mountains

Faded Turquoise mountains



Blush pink romantic roses

Blush pink romantic roses

Painterly dried plants collage

Painterly dried plants collage

Colorful african inspired geo

Colorful african inspired geo

X-ray line art flowers

X-ray line art flowers



Botanical bloom

Botanical bloom

Delicate pansy petals

Delicate pansy petals

Golden mountains

Golden mountains

Beyond Everest

Beyond Everest

Colorful moon textured ovals

Colorful moon textured ovals

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