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Marti Betz
Marti Betz

Marti Betz

With a passion for design and illustration, Marti is your go-to artist for infusing, unique patterns, vibrant colors and breathtaking florals into your projects. As you wander through her profile, you'll be captivated by the beauty that unfolds in each design, a testament to Marti's boundless creativity.


Nectar Love - Kids Dark

Nectar Love - Kids Dark

Triumphant Tulips

Triumphant Tulips

Moonbeam Coreopsis - Kids Room

Moonbeam Coreopsis - Kids Room

Cornflower Fields

Cornflower Fields

Magnolia Spring

Magnolia Spring

Hellebore Fun - Kids Green

Hellebore Fun - Kids Green

Nectar Love- Kids

Nectar Love- Kids

Lush Bougainvillea

Lush Bougainvillea

Orchid Spring

Orchid Spring

Olive Green Floral Patternwith Pink Flowers

Olive Green Floral Patternwith Pink Flowers

Nectar Love - Royal

Nectar Love - Royal

Cornflower Blues

Cornflower Blues

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

Dahlia Chintz

Dahlia Chintz

Pink Chintz Pattern

Pink Chintz Pattern

Moonbeam Coreopsis

Moonbeam Coreopsis

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