Kathrin Legg
Kathrin Legg

Kathrin Legg

Born in Germany and raised in Australia, Kathrin Legg lives with her husband and two children in the city of Newcastle, with its white sand beaches and mountainous Australian hinterland. Kathrin completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Newcastle and now works as a surface pattern designer from her sunny studio, where she uses both traditional and digital media to create her designs and collections.


Wildflower Fields

Wildflower Fields

Nursery Meadow

Nursery Meadow

Pantry Large

Pantry Large

Floral Chickens

Floral Chickens



Fairy Tale Meadow

Fairy Tale Meadow



Woodland Floral

Woodland Floral

Retro Orange Floral

Retro Orange Floral

Mushroom Meadow

Mushroom Meadow

Nordic Tulip in Red

Nordic Tulip in Red

Patchwork Floral

Patchwork Floral

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