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Iris Bargès
Iris Bargès

Iris Bargès


Blue and white flowers on navy blue

Blue and white flowers on navy blue

Indoor gardening - green wall

Indoor gardening - green wall

Pastel Sunrise Blend Gradient

Pastel Sunrise Blend Gradient

mid century warm minimalism 1 (L)

Mid century warm minimalism 1 (L)

Dragons spitting flowers - peach fuzz

Dragons spitting flowers - peach fuzz

rusty terra cotta

Rusty terra cotta

color gradient sunset rose

Color gradient sunset rose

Cheetahs in Tropical Wonderland (big size)

Cheetahs in Tropical Wonderland (big size)

mid century minimalism linen

Mid century minimalism linen

coastal stripes - pastel blue

Coastal stripes - pastel blue

White palm leaves on mustard (big size)

White palm leaves on mustard (big size)

Timeless woodland toile for the kidsroom

Timeless woodland toile for the kidsroom

lush flowers - ocre on navy

Lush flowers - ocre on navy

Dopamine sunrise - color gradient

Dopamine sunrise - color gradient

Fancy Floral Decor

Fancy Floral Decor

Art nouveau inspired floral

Art nouveau inspired floral

white palms on pastel blue

White palms on pastel blue

Pastel Pink Gingham

Pastel Pink Gingham

bold retro 70ies flowers - rose mustard

Bold retro 70ies flowers - rose mustard

Mid century modern leafs - mint (L)

Mid century modern leafs - mint (L)

Deer with golden horns - black and white

Deer with golden horns - black and white

tennis balls and rackets on mint green - XL

Tennis balls and rackets on mint green - XL

bright yellow retro 70ies sun flowers

Bright yellow retro 70ies sun flowers

mid century tiles white on linen (L)

Mid century tiles white on linen (L)

Buttercup damask - navy blue

Buttercup damask - navy blue

white hydrangeas elegant green floral (M)

White hydrangeas elegant green floral (M)

buttercup floral damask - dusty rose

Buttercup floral damask - dusty rose

Boho Chic Flora Art

Boho Chic Flora Art

color gradient ocean sunset

Color gradient ocean sunset

Soothing Ombre Aqua

Soothing Ombre Aqua

Botanical Bliss Damask - mint

Botanical Bliss Damask - mint

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