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My name is Daniela, I'm a graphic and surface pattern designer based in Rome. I was born in 1985 in a little town in the center of Italy and I've started drawing at an early age. After art high school, I moved to Rome to study design at the university. After my second graduation in architecture, I fell in love with digital art and surface pattern design and I've decided to transform my own passions into my work. I'm pretty obsessed by patterns, textures and geometries.


Fine Stripes Autumnal

Fine Stripes Autumnal

Pottery Shapes

Pottery Shapes

Muted Pastel Tiles Three

Muted Pastel Tiles Three

Color Washed Geo Tiles Musky

Color Washed Geo Tiles Musky

Painted Wall Tiles Three

Painted Wall Tiles Three

Retro Tiles Five

Retro Tiles Five

Moroccan Clay Zellige

Moroccan Clay Zellige

Fine Stripes Pastels

Fine Stripes Pastels

Double block herringbone tiles lemon

Double block herringbone tiles lemon

Muted Pastel Tiles Two

Muted Pastel Tiles Two

Cotto Tiles Cream and Powder Lines

Cotto Tiles Cream and Powder Lines

Zen Garden Mocha Mousse

Zen Garden Mocha Mousse

Canvas Geo Tiles Moss

Canvas Geo Tiles Moss

Kaleidoscopic Cretto

Kaleidoscopic Cretto

Double block herringbone tiles emerald

Double block herringbone tiles emerald

Playful Hexagon Yellow Tiles Combo 2

Playful Hexagon Yellow Tiles Combo 2

Terracotta Shapes

Terracotta Shapes

Color Washed Geo Tiles Fall Vibes

Color Washed Geo Tiles Fall Vibes

Coffee Safari Plaid

Coffee Safari Plaid

Rustic Clay X Tiles

Rustic Clay X Tiles

Painted Modern Ti.es Fiesta

Painted Modern Ti.es Fiesta

Winter Plaid Pastel Aqua

Winter Plaid Pastel Aqua

Zen Garden TIles Sand

Zen Garden TIles Sand

Double block herringbone tiles dark green

Double block herringbone tiles dark green

Minimal Balanced Grid - Warm

Minimal Balanced Grid - Warm

Old Canvas - Arona

Old Canvas - Arona

Minimal Balanced Grid - Arona

Minimal Balanced Grid - Arona

Canvas Geo Tiles Neutral

Canvas Geo Tiles Neutral

Old Canvas - Laurel Oak

Old Canvas - Laurel Oak

Mocha Mousse Coffee Plaid

Mocha Mousse Coffee Plaid

Muted Pastel Tiles One

Muted Pastel Tiles One

Marbled Geo Tiles Greyish

Marbled Geo Tiles Greyish

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