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Ambience Art
Ambience Art

Ambience Art

Jeffrey Nimpadu is a Berlin-based graphic designer. His experimental approach brought him closer and closer to digital art, where he could freely create designs according to his inspiration. Since then, he has continued to develop his skills in creating elegant patterns within Illustrator and Photoshop. The freedom and joy he feels in designing is his greatest incentive to create new works and explore different media. Over time, he combined elements of digital and classical art. "Digital art doesn't need to hide from classical art", the artist thinks and thus brings both forms closer to art lovers.


Dark Teal and Gold Mosaic

Dark Teal and Gold Mosaic

Emerald Art Deco Mosaic

Emerald Art Deco Mosaic

Colorful Hexagons Art Deco

Colorful Hexagons Art Deco

Mid-Century Black and Luxury Gold Pattern

Mid-Century Black and Luxury Gold Pattern

Art Deco Black Night Mosaic

Art Deco Black Night Mosaic

White Marble Art Deco Luxe

White Marble Art Deco Luxe

Art Deco Luxury Cyan and Gold Columns

Art Deco Luxury Cyan and Gold Columns

Art Deco Midnight Blue

Art Deco Midnight Blue

Midnight Blue Hexagons Pattern

Midnight Blue Hexagons Pattern

Cracked Night - Black Mosaic

Cracked Night - Black Mosaic

Teal Cubes Luxury Pattern

Teal Cubes Luxury Pattern

Ice and Diamonds Art Deco

Ice and Diamonds Art Deco

Dark Plum Luxury Pink Hexagons

Dark Plum Luxury Pink Hexagons

Turquoise Luxury Towers

Turquoise Luxury Towers

Art Deco Luxury Black and Gold Columns

Art Deco Luxury Black and Gold Columns

Art Deco Coffee Time

Art Deco Coffee Time

Black Urban Charcoal Spires

Black Urban Charcoal Spires

Navy Blue Art Deco Mosaic

Navy Blue Art Deco Mosaic

Art Deco Black and White Arches

Art Deco Black and White Arches

Black and White Luxury Lines

Black and White Luxury Lines

Grey Charcoal Art Deco Luxury

Grey Charcoal Art Deco Luxury

Black Night Sky Bedroom

Black Night Sky Bedroom

Charcoal Art Deco Mosaic

Charcoal Art Deco Mosaic

Mid-Century Navy Blue and Black

Mid-Century Navy Blue and Black

Dark Urban Grey Gradient Hexagons

Dark Urban Grey Gradient Hexagons

Urban Black Art Deco

Urban Black Art Deco

Mid-Century Concrete and Gold Pattern

Mid-Century Concrete and Gold Pattern

Mid-Century Dark Teal and Luxury Gold

Mid-Century Dark Teal and Luxury Gold

Luxury Charcoal Geometric Mosaic Tiles

Luxury Charcoal Geometric Mosaic Tiles

Dark Blue Navy and Silver Hexagons

Dark Blue Navy and Silver Hexagons

Abstract Art Deco Black

Abstract Art Deco Black



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