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Nazywam się Uta Krogmann, ilustratorka i projektantka powierzchni mieszkająca w Stuttgarcie w Niemczech. Rysowanie jest moją pasją odkąd pamiętam i uwielbiam ilustrować skomplikowane sceny m.in. do puzzli i pięknych wzorów! Uwielbiam wszystko, co kolorowe, marzycielskie i kapryśne. Inspiruje mnie to, co można odkryć we wszystkich tych małych cudach życia codziennego (i pchlich targach).


in the peacock garden dream

In the peacock garden dream

my wonderful busy house

My wonderful busy house

Candy Colored Landscape

Candy Colored Landscape

spring is here! happy garden flower carpet

Spring is here! happy garden flower carpet

huge color blob florals

Huge color blob florals

bright cats and tulips

Bright cats and tulips

in the summer garden watercolor

In the summer garden watercolor

cats and dogs on tour – large

Cats and dogs on tour – large

magical sea life panoramic view

Magical sea life panoramic view

Italian Peacock Garden Cottages

Italian Peacock Garden Cottages

magical talismans

Magical talismans

spring happy garden flower carpet – dark

Spring happy garden flower carpet – dark

circus horse act on peach

Circus horse act on peach

spicy chilies

Spicy chilies

blue garden meadow

Blue garden meadow

playful cats garden candy world

Playful cats garden candy world

morocco afternoon impressions

Morocco afternoon impressions

Dreamy Landscape

Dreamy Landscape

magical little forest world

Magical little forest world

colorful dahlias

Colorful dahlias

indigo blue shibori floral

Indigo blue shibori floral

boats and lighthouse beach dream

Boats and lighthouse beach dream

art deco cocktail party

Art deco cocktail party

colorful mushrooms

Colorful mushrooms

books and plants cozy room

Books and plants cozy room

love cats love birds good luck – large

Love cats love birds good luck – large

funny hats sealife party

Funny hats sealife party

mushroom forest oak leaves

Mushroom forest oak leaves

winged jungle fantasy forest

Winged jungle fantasy forest

my colorful window view

My colorful window view

elephant jungle ride

Elephant jungle ride

art deco lilies

Art deco lilies

curious little tattoo world for kids

Curious little tattoo world for kids

lush boho flowers

Lush boho flowers

secrets of a dense forest

Secrets of a dense forest

peonies damask florals blue white

Peonies damask florals blue white

happy tossed strawberries on light blue

Happy tossed strawberries on light blue

summer garden meadow ditsy dark

Summer garden meadow ditsy dark

Landscape with three French cottages

Landscape with three French cottages

flaming hearts milagros

Flaming hearts milagros

sunny vacation in greece

Sunny vacation in greece

dancing jelly fish

Dancing jelly fish

vintage matchbox collage

Vintage matchbox collage

fantastic jungle birds blue

Fantastic jungle birds blue

bright patchwork

Bright patchwork

silent owl flight forest

Silent owl flight forest

retro aerobic workout

Retro aerobic workout

read and relax with tea and cats

Read and relax with tea and cats

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