Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room
Bloody Moon wallpaper displayed in a room

Bloody Moon behang

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€ 42,00 / m2

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Unleash the splendor of the cosmos in your decor with our Bloody Moon wallpaper. Immerse yourself in a breathtaking surreal panorama that transports you to a futuristic terraformed Mars. Behold the drama of a crimson planet, set against the ethereal mountain ranges in the backdrop, under the enigmatic allure of moonlight. The enigmatic beauty of space is captured with the masterful blending of warm and cool hues, subtly evoking an environment of tranquility. Amplify the charm of your rooms with this design that is a tribute to man's dream of making Mars our second home. With the striking Bloody Moon wallpaper, let your wall whisper tales of the universe and unexplored frontiers.

Bloody Moon wallpaper roll

Makkelijk te installeren

Je zult versteld staan hoe eenvoudig het is om Bloody Moon behang . te mounten

Niet geweven

Bloody Moon behang is gemaakt van non-woven materiaal. Elk paneel is 50 cm breed

Aangepaste muurgrootte

Bloody Moon behang kan worden aangepast voor uw muur. U bepaalt de exacte maat en hoe u deze wilt bijsnijden.


De productie maakt gebruik van milieuvriendelijke inkten en het materiaal is PVC-vrij

Auteursrechten © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB