Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape
Wallpaper featuring a serene landscape

Another World behang

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€ 44,00 / m2

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Explore the mystical appeal of the North with our Another World wallpaper. This artistic piece encapsulates the ethereal charm of a Scandinavian sunset, merging warm hues with a cooling vista to transport you to a place of tranquil beauty. This wallpaper captures a moment in time—a stunning view from northern Iceland at twilight, a serene sight for those in love with tranquility. The intense moss-green foreground sets an enchanting contrast to the sunset's radiant glow, illustrating the timeless allure of the region's verdant landscapes. Make your space a serene sanctuary by bringing this mystique of Scandinavian wilderness into your living space. With our Another World wallpaper, experience the calming solace of Iceland, right at your home.

Another World wallpaper roll

Makkelijk te installeren

Je zult versteld staan hoe eenvoudig het is om Another World behang . te mounten

Niet geweven

Another World behang is gemaakt van non-woven materiaal. Elk paneel is 50 cm breed

Aangepaste muurgrootte

Another World behang kan worden aangepast voor uw muur. U bepaalt de exacte maat en hoe u deze wilt bijsnijden.


De productie maakt gebruik van milieuvriendelijke inkten en het materiaal is PVC-vrij

Auteursrechten © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB