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Whitney Hart è un'artista e designer appassionata di creare design vivaci e giocosi che celebrano la bellezza autentica e ispirano fiducia e connessione. I suoi design incarnano una fusione unica di influenze stravaganti, contemporanee, bohémien e scandinave, dando vita a una composizione visivamente sorprendente e armoniosa. Con la giustapposizione di tali elementi, Whitney si sforza di raggiungere un equilibrio magistrale di stili contrastanti, dove le linee strutturate incontrano le forme organiche.


Tropical Symbols - Vanilla+Tawny

Tropical Symbols - Vanilla+Tawny

Fish Adrift - Teal Blue

Fish Adrift - Teal Blue

Tropical Symbols - Deep Green

Tropical Symbols - Deep Green

Tropical Symbols -Tawny+Vanilla

Tropical Symbols -Tawny+Vanilla

Tropical Symbols - Orange

Tropical Symbols - Orange

Broderie in Bloom - Pearl

Broderie in Bloom - Pearl

Tropical Symbols - Vanilla

Tropical Symbols - Vanilla

Where the Wildflowers Are - Deep Green

Where the Wildflowers Are - Deep Green

Waltz of the Flowers - Goldy

Waltz of the Flowers - Goldy

Broderie in Bloom - Mustard

Broderie in Bloom - Mustard

Dotty Angles - Mustard

Dotty Angles - Mustard

Loomlace - Light Denim

Loomlace - Light Denim

Petal Paradise - Deep Green

Petal Paradise - Deep Green

Ballet of Blooms - Light Pink

Ballet of Blooms - Light Pink

Broderie in Bloom - Deep Green

Broderie in Bloom - Deep Green

Doily Affirmations - Light Tawny

Doily Affirmations - Light Tawny

Where the Wildflowers Are - Teal Blue

Where the Wildflowers Are - Teal Blue

For Keepsy - Goldy

For Keepsy - Goldy

Sea Rays - Vanilla+Dusty Rose

Sea Rays - Vanilla+Dusty Rose

Waltz of the Flowers - Denim

Waltz of the Flowers - Denim

Waltz of the Flowers - Peach

Waltz of the Flowers - Peach

Ballet of Blooms - Light Violet

Ballet of Blooms - Light Violet

Loomlace - Pearl

Loomlace - Pearl

Revelry RSVP - Evergreen

Revelry RSVP - Evergreen

Petal Paradise - Vanilla

Petal Paradise - Vanilla

Ballet of Blooms - Mustard

Ballet of Blooms - Mustard

Revelry RSVP - Teal Blue

Revelry RSVP - Teal Blue

Faelan Vase - Light Denim

Faelan Vase - Light Denim

Doily Affirmations - Deep Salmon

Doily Affirmations - Deep Salmon

Waltz of the Flowers - Light Violet

Waltz of the Flowers - Light Violet

Loomlace - Peach

Loomlace - Peach

Loomlace - Light Violet

Loomlace - Light Violet

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