Dodajte dašak spokojstva svojim zidovima s našim tapetama neutralnih boja

Otkrijte umirujuću kolekciju wallpaper-a u neutralnim bojama koja bez napora poboljšava vašu dekoraciju. Sa dizajnima poput Big Waves Beige i Geometric Leaves, ovi wallpaper-i stvaraju mirnu i privlačnu atmosferu. Bez obzira preferirate li blagu notu Sunrise - Mint ili jedinstvenu privlačnost Ocean Waves Blockprint, ovdje ima nešto za svakoga. Transformirajte svaku sobu s ovim svestranim uzorcima i uživajte u jednostavnosti neutralnih tonova koji se besprijekorno uklapaju u vaš dom.


Sunrise - Mint

Sunrise - Mint

Big waves beige

Big waves beige

Simple Stripes Grey

Simple Stripes Grey



Boho Daisy Pattern

Boho Daisy Pattern

Floria V2

Floria V2

Retro Curvy Lines 1

Retro Curvy Lines 1

Big waves blue

Big waves blue



Rabbit Flower Dance

Rabbit Flower Dance

Moon Phase

Moon Phase

Fading Beige

Fading Beige

Find The Fruit

Find The Fruit

Dandelions Gray

Dandelions Gray

Boho Arches

Boho Arches

nordic landscape

Nordic landscape

Beige tones ocean

Beige tones ocean

Modern Boho Arch

Modern Boho Arch

My Tiny Town

My Tiny Town

Cherry Blossoms 1

Cherry Blossoms 1

Leaves and Berries

Leaves and Berries

Forest animals blue

Forest animals blue

Eileen Floral

Eileen Floral

Organic Pattern III

Organic Pattern III

Daisy field - sand

Daisy field - sand

Boho Basics Neutral

Boho Basics Neutral

Dandelions Beige

Dandelions Beige

abstract signs

Abstract signs

plot dark

Plot dark

Warm Grey Cement

Warm Grey Cement

Royal Cotton Bloom

Royal Cotton Bloom

Linear stack

Linear stack



Lucy Floral White

Lucy Floral White

Boho Pattern I

Boho Pattern I

Floral Lace_beige

Floral Lace_beige

Neutral Triangles04

Neutral Triangles04

Neutral Triangles07

Neutral Triangles07

Boho Pattern III

Boho Pattern III

Grunge Plaster aqua

Grunge Plaster aqua

Watercolor reeds

Watercolor reeds

Organic Lines

Organic Lines

plot wild

Plot wild

Boho Pattern IV

Boho Pattern IV

Boho VI

Boho VI

Kilim Lines

Kilim Lines

Ditsy Stars brown

Ditsy Stars brown

Neutral Palm Leaves

Neutral Palm Leaves

Abstract Sand Dunes

Abstract Sand Dunes

Boho VII

Boho VII

Neutral Triangles06

Neutral Triangles06

Boho Camel neutral

Boho Camel neutral

Misty Palm Trees

Misty Palm Trees

gestural 3 - earth

Gestural 3 - earth

Modern Maze

Modern Maze

Leather Cream Beige

Leather Cream Beige

Rattan Tiles Beige

Rattan Tiles Beige



Mint Chevron Chic

Mint Chevron Chic

Dandelions Sand

Dandelions Sand

Earth tone rainbow

Earth tone rainbow

Breathe Rainbow

Breathe Rainbow

Urban Matrix (BW)

Urban Matrix (BW)

Leather Light Beige

Leather Light Beige

Mocha Mousse Sonata

Mocha Mousse Sonata

Strips 2B

Strips 2B

Blooming Roses

Blooming Roses

Big waves gray

Big waves gray

Rustic Tiles

Rustic Tiles

Grunge Plaster BW

Grunge Plaster BW

Neutral Triangles02

Neutral Triangles02

Grunge Plaster gray

Grunge Plaster gray

Old Wall Beige

Old Wall Beige

Beige Leather

Beige Leather

Neutral Floral

Neutral Floral

Brown White Beehive

Brown White Beehive

Neutral Triangles05

Neutral Triangles05

Gentle Giant Feline

Gentle Giant Feline

Boho Pattern II

Boho Pattern II

Desert Grunge

Desert Grunge

Forest animals gray

Forest animals gray

Half Moon Impact

Half Moon Impact

Malibu Air Modern

Malibu Air Modern

Abstract Blur

Abstract Blur

Sunrise Flowers

Sunrise Flowers

Palm Leaf Finesse 1

Palm Leaf Finesse 1

Elegant Flowers

Elegant Flowers

Bauhaus WB retro

Bauhaus WB retro

Fall Rainbow

Fall Rainbow

Tropically neutral

Tropically neutral

Desert Animals

Desert Animals

Military green

Military green

Alans Song

Alans Song

Calm Seaform Lines

Calm Seaform Lines

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Autorska prava © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB