Proljeće je stiglo! Uživajte u 15% popusta na našu prekrasnu ponudu tapeta. Osvježite svoje zidove našim sezonskim favoritima!

Transformirajte svoj prostor s našim zidnim oblogama s temom bobica

Otkrijte šarm tapeta inspiriranih bobicama za svoj dom. Od slatkih krajolika do očaravajućih šumskih gljiva, naša kolekcija dodaje svjež dodir svakoj prostoriji. Istražite dizajne poput plavih akvarelnih grana i živahnih livada divljih cvjetova. Savršeni za one koji žele stvoriti toplu i pozdravnu atmosferu, ove tapete su idealne za osvježavanje vašeg unutarnjeg dekora. Unesite ljepotu prirode u unutrašnjost s ukusnim nizom stilova i boja koji rezoniraju s biti bobica.


Cute landscape

Cute landscape

Vintage Mysterious Mushroom Forest

Vintage Mysterious Mushroom Forest

Nostalgic Autumn guardians of the forest

Nostalgic Autumn guardians of the forest

Blue watercolor branches

Blue watercolor branches

Enchanted Garden deep green

Enchanted Garden deep green

Midsummer Blueberries Forest

Midsummer Blueberries Forest

Watercolor Strawberries Dance

Watercolor Strawberries Dance

Vintage Strawberries Garden

Vintage Strawberries Garden

Vintage Forest - Harvest of the Autumn

Vintage Forest - Harvest of the Autumn

Summer Berries

Summer Berries

Anemone Garden

Anemone Garden

Nostalgic Bird And Magnolia

Nostalgic Bird And Magnolia

Cherries Red Pattern

Cherries Red Pattern

Watercolor branches yellow

Watercolor branches yellow

Soft Petal Whispers

Soft Petal Whispers

Bing (light)

Bing (light)

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