Otkrijte našu zapanjujuću kolekciju apstraktnih dekorativnih tapeta.

Otkrijte naše fascinantne apstraktne dekorativne tapete, savršene za dodavanje modernog dodira svakoj prostoriji. Od hrabrim bojama do složenih uzoraka, naša kolekcija prikazuje različite stilove uključujući boje jeseni sredine veka i šarene apstraktne geometrijske dizajne. Transformirajte svoje enterijere jedinstvenom zidnom umetnošću koja govori vašem osobnom stilu. Uživajte u jednostavnom pretraživanju i danas pronađite savršenu tapetu koja će unaprijediti vašu dekoraciju.


Boho Geometric

Boho Geometric



Rounded Pieces 7

Rounded Pieces 7

Aubergine Galaxy

Aubergine Galaxy

Abstract G3

Abstract G3

Street Art

Street Art

Sinuous Shapes 8

Sinuous Shapes 8

Overlapping Pieces

Overlapping Pieces

Boho Geometric 2

Boho Geometric 2

Urban style 3

Urban style 3

Joy of Colors 3

Joy of Colors 3

Pollock Wink 37

Pollock Wink 37

Geometric Pop Art

Geometric Pop Art

Lines work green

Lines work green

Colorful Pieces

Colorful Pieces

Ink Splashes

Ink Splashes

Colored Pieces 26

Colored Pieces 26

My flowery garden

My flowery garden

Colorful Abstract 3

Colorful Abstract 3

Colors and Shapes

Colors and Shapes

Pollock Wink 47

Pollock Wink 47

Pollock Wink 67

Pollock Wink 67

Rounded Pieces 4

Rounded Pieces 4

Rounded Parts 12

Rounded Parts 12

Joy of Colors 4

Joy of Colors 4

Happy Garden 5

Happy Garden 5

Art Rain 4

Art Rain 4

Colored Pollock

Colored Pollock

Rustic Geometric 13

Rustic Geometric 13

Pollock Wink 52

Pollock Wink 52

Dancing Hearts 2

Dancing Hearts 2

Por Art Geometric

Por Art Geometric

Terrazzo Pattern 5

Terrazzo Pattern 5

Terrazzo Pattern 6

Terrazzo Pattern 6

10k strokes - peach

10k strokes - peach

Joy of Colors 7

Joy of Colors 7

Pollock Wink 54

Pollock Wink 54

Graffiti Style 2

Graffiti Style 2

Street Art 6

Street Art 6

Colors and Shapes 2

Colors and Shapes 2

Lines in blue

Lines in blue

Rustic Red

Rustic Red

Colorful Triangles

Colorful Triangles

Fluid Paint 2

Fluid Paint 2

Urban style 2

Urban style 2

Colorful Doodles 6

Colorful Doodles 6

Pollock Wink 58

Pollock Wink 58

Joy of Colors 6

Joy of Colors 6

Rounded Pieces 5

Rounded Pieces 5

beyond the sky

Beyond the sky

Pollock Wink 50

Pollock Wink 50

10k strokes - green

10k strokes - green

Boho Geometric 3

Boho Geometric 3

Abstract Sand

Abstract Sand

Paint Splashes 2

Paint Splashes 2

Pollock Wink 41

Pollock Wink 41

White beige waves

White beige waves

Urban style

Urban style

Rustic Abstract 3

Rustic Abstract 3

Colored Pieces 25

Colored Pieces 25

Pollock Wink 46

Pollock Wink 46

Colorful Doodles 8

Colorful Doodles 8

Joy of Colors 5

Joy of Colors 5

Magic Plant 1 In

Magic Plant 1 In

Bauhaus - Tribal

Bauhaus - Tribal

Sinuous Shapes 10

Sinuous Shapes 10

Colorful Doodles 5

Colorful Doodles 5

Street Art 4

Street Art 4

Urban Art 4

Urban Art 4

Spring bliss

Spring bliss

Geometric Overlays

Geometric Overlays

Urban Art

Urban Art

Shapes and Colors 2

Shapes and Colors 2

Urban art 2

Urban art 2

Dreamscaping Enigma

Dreamscaping Enigma

Abstract G2

Abstract G2

Fractal Overview 6

Fractal Overview 6

Graffiti Style 3

Graffiti Style 3

Joy of Colors 9

Joy of Colors 9

Rounded Pieces 8

Rounded Pieces 8

Rounded Parts 13

Rounded Parts 13

Pollock Wink 38

Pollock Wink 38



Semi Circles 17

Semi Circles 17

Minimalist Boho 5

Minimalist Boho 5

Pollock Wink 64

Pollock Wink 64

Spring Garden 3

Spring Garden 3

Special Abstract 11

Special Abstract 11

Theater 2 In

Theater 2 In

Fluid Paint 3

Fluid Paint 3

Street Art 3

Street Art 3

Colored Overlays

Colored Overlays

Theater 1

Theater 1

Colorful Shapes 2

Colorful Shapes 2

Rustic Geometric 16

Rustic Geometric 16

Lines 2

Lines 2

Graffiti Style 5

Graffiti Style 5

Semi Circles 16

Semi Circles 16

Shapes and Colors 7

Shapes and Colors 7

Urban Art 3

Urban Art 3

Colored Triangles 5

Colored Triangles 5

Joy of Colors 14

Joy of Colors 14

Cityscape 6

Cityscape 6

Colorful Stripes 2

Colorful Stripes 2

Butterfly Love 1

Butterfly Love 1

Rounded Parts 15

Rounded Parts 15

Pollock Wink 57

Pollock Wink 57

Shapes and Colors

Shapes and Colors



Colored Pollock 2

Colored Pollock 2

Rain of Colors

Rain of Colors

Rustic Geometric 23

Rustic Geometric 23

Pollock Wink 56

Pollock Wink 56

Pollock Wink 68

Pollock Wink 68

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Autorska prava © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB