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Predstavljamo kolekciju LEAVES Elene Ivan - Papadopoulou, zadivljujući niz dizajna nadahnutih prirodom koji će udahnuti život svakom prostoru. Od nježnog lišća eukaliptusa na oštroj bijeloj podlozi do hrabrog šahovskog uzorka lišća banane, ova kolekcija bilježi bit vani. Zemljani tonovi lišća i svjetlucavi dizajn dodaju dašak glamura, dok zlatni svjetlucavi dodir lišća eukaliptusa donosi dašak luksuza. Eucalyptus s nježno izblijedjelim mrljama i Eucalyptus dream dizajni nude sanjiv, eteričan dojam. Istražite cijelu kolekciju LEAVES i pronađite savršeni dizajn za pretvaranje svojih zidova u prirodnu oazu.


Eucalyptus with splashes softly faided

Eucalyptus with splashes softly faided

Eucalyptus leaves gold glitter touch

Eucalyptus leaves gold glitter touch

Eucalyptus and watercolor splashes

Eucalyptus and watercolor splashes

Eucalyptus dream

Eucalyptus dream

Eucalyptus neutral shades

Eucalyptus neutral shades

Eucalyptous leaves on white simple

Eucalyptous leaves on white simple

Gentle large scale botanical

Gentle large scale botanical

Eucalyptus earth tones

Eucalyptus earth tones

Eucalyptus dreamy land

Eucalyptus dreamy land

Green tropical

Green tropical

Elegant Botanic Stripes

Elegant Botanic Stripes

Watercolor roses and leaves from the top

Watercolor roses and leaves from the top

Sparkling Jungle Flora

Sparkling Jungle Flora

Eucalyptus earthtones gentle purple

Eucalyptus earthtones gentle purple

Beige and light khaki Botanical Dream

Beige and light khaki Botanical Dream

Watercolor eucalyptus

Watercolor eucalyptus

Sandy Foliage Art

Sandy Foliage Art

Banana leaves chess

Banana leaves chess

Tropicana black

Tropicana black

Blue leaves Whispers I hear

Blue leaves Whispers I hear

Palm leaves romantic

Palm leaves romantic

Romantic handrawn leaves

Romantic handrawn leaves

vertical smaller eucalyptus gold glitter

Vertical smaller eucalyptus gold glitter

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