Elisabeth Fredriksson
My name is Elisabeth and I'm a color addicted and nature-loving artist from Sweden. Art, in some form or another, has always been a part of my life. I grew up with my mother’s oil paintings on the walls, those had a great impact on me. When I was 10 to about 14 years old I did a lot of drawing. I could draw for hours and hours, time didn’t exist until my mom called me for dinner. I also painted a lot with watercolors. I got my first camera when I was 15. It ignited a deep passion for photography. I took pictures of pretty much everything. It was around this time my dad introduced me to Photoshop. For about 10 years, I made a lot of digital collages and developed my skills in PS. In 2011 I went to art school to explore other mediums and some time after that I got into graphic art, which is still my main interest. When I create I can get inspired from everything between a grain of sand to the universe at large. Art is my life.