Tutustu ympyräkuvioisten tapettisuunnitelmiimme

Löydä ihastuttava kokoelma tapetteja, joissa on kiehtovia ympyrämuotoiluja. Modernista kuviosta Bauhaus Geometry Mixed rauhoittavaan Sunbeams-sarjaan, ympyräteemaiset tapettimme voivat lisätä sisustukseen viehätystä ja eleganssia. Olitpa sitten uudistamassa huonetta tai etsimässä täydellistä aksenttia, nämä mallit tarjoavat monipuolisuutta, joka sopii tyyliisi. Nauti ilmaisesta toimituksesta kaikilla tilauksilla ja muuta seinäsi upeiksi visuaalisiksi kokemuksiksi kauniilla ympyräkuvioilla!


Sunbeams 04

Sunbeams 04

Sunbeams 05

Sunbeams 05

Lines and circles 2

Lines and circles 2

Lines and circles 1

Lines and circles 1

Boho shapes 15

Boho shapes 15

Sage Bauhaus

Sage Bauhaus

Colored circles 02

Colored circles 02

Circles and lines 2

Circles and lines 2

Circles and lines 1

Circles and lines 1

everyday sunshine

Everyday sunshine

happy rising sun

Happy rising sun

Bauhaus poster 5

Bauhaus poster 5

Blue Retro Objects

Blue Retro Objects

Organic Matter

Organic Matter

Lines and circles 8

Lines and circles 8

Play Peach Fuzz

Play Peach Fuzz

Boho shapes 13

Boho shapes 13

Dots Black

Dots Black

Boho circles 1

Boho circles 1

Expressive lines 20

Expressive lines 20

Circles and lines B

Circles and lines B

Earthy Retro Groove

Earthy Retro Groove

Colorful circles 10

Colorful circles 10

Boho shapes 26

Boho shapes 26

Lines and squares 6

Lines and squares 6

Dots Green

Dots Green

Chic Noir Vortex

Chic Noir Vortex

sunny round shapes

Sunny round shapes

Moon phases 6

Moon phases 6

Expressive lines 22

Expressive lines 22

Sunbeams 03

Sunbeams 03

Lines and squares 5

Lines and squares 5

Moon phases 8

Moon phases 8

Expressive lines 11

Expressive lines 11

Colorful circles 9

Colorful circles 9



Colorful circles 7

Colorful circles 7

Bauhaus - Tribal

Bauhaus - Tribal

Retro Circles green

Retro Circles green

Lines and squares 8

Lines and squares 8

Sandy Curves Decor

Sandy Curves Decor

Blue retro circles

Blue retro circles

Bauhaus poster 2

Bauhaus poster 2

Modern Wavy Lines

Modern Wavy Lines

Expressive lines 4

Expressive lines 4

Mid Century Classic

Mid Century Classic

Colored circles 01

Colored circles 01

Colorful circles 8

Colorful circles 8

Big Dots Peach Fuzz

Big Dots Peach Fuzz

Expressive forms 2

Expressive forms 2

Lines and circles 9

Lines and circles 9

Contemporary art 4

Contemporary art 4

Shapes and lines 3

Shapes and lines 3

Boho shapes 14

Boho shapes 14

Sunbeams 02

Sunbeams 02

Lines and circles 3

Lines and circles 3



Modern Arc Elegance

Modern Arc Elegance

Bauhaus poster 7

Bauhaus poster 7

Lines and circles 6

Lines and circles 6

Mescolanza 26

Mescolanza 26

Mid Century 10

Mid Century 10

Dotted Circles

Dotted Circles

Expressive lines 10

Expressive lines 10

Retro Rainbow Arcs

Retro Rainbow Arcs

Colorful circles 5

Colorful circles 5

Expressive lines 8

Expressive lines 8

Boho shapes 27

Boho shapes 27

Expressive forms 8

Expressive forms 8

Boho shapes 24

Boho shapes 24

Expressive forms 4

Expressive forms 4

Circle art 3

Circle art 3

Expressive lines 30

Expressive lines 30

Curved lines 04

Curved lines 04

Expressive forms 6

Expressive forms 6

Circles and lines A

Circles and lines A

Tribal shapes 25

Tribal shapes 25

Tribal shapes 32

Tribal shapes 32

Bauhaus poster 6

Bauhaus poster 6

Expressive lines 19

Expressive lines 19

Shapes and lines 2

Shapes and lines 2

Bauhaus poster 3

Bauhaus poster 3

Light gray wreath

Light gray wreath

Colorful circles 11

Colorful circles 11

Boho traits 7

Boho traits 7

Circle art 4

Circle art 4

Tribal shapes 27

Tribal shapes 27

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