Japanese Bird Flight wallpaper
Item number:
£38.00 / m2
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Japanese Bird Flight is an enchanting wallpaper, perfect for invoking a sense of calm and tranquility in any room. Hailing from the serene aesthetics of Asia, specifically Japan, this wallpaper portrays majestic birds in flight against a light, minimalist background, capturing the essence of Japanese elegance and simplicity. The design is imbued with a sense of peaceful progression, mirroring the graceful and unhindered movement of birds leaping towards the sky. Rooted deeply in Japanese heritage, this wallpaper provides an ethereal ambiance, transporting you to the tranquil landscape where nature meets the sky. Ideal for creating an oasis of calm in the hustle-bustle of daily life, Japanese Bird Flight is not merely a wallpaper – it is a timeless piece of Japanese artistry, aligning perfectly with minimalist decor aesthetics. Bring home this piece of Japan and embrace the serene simplicity it offers!
![Japanese Bird Flight wallpaper roll](https://happywall-statix.imgix.net/rooms/10.jpg?w=767&h=1152&fit=min&crop=right&auto=format&q=50&blend64=aHR0cHM6Ly9oYXBweXdhbGwtaW1nLWdhbGxlcnkuaW1naXgubmV0L3dhbGxwYXBlci5qcGc_dz03NjcmaD0xMTUyJmZpdD1jcm9wJmJsZW5kNjQ9YUhSMGNITTZMeTlvWVhCd2VYZGhiR3d0YVcxbkxXZGhiR3hsY25rdWFXMW5hWGd1Ym1WMEx6STFNVFV4TDJwaGNHRnVaWE5sWDJKcGNtUmZabXhwWjJoMFgyUnBjM0JzWVhrdWFuQm5QM2M5TXpFNEptZzlOemsxSm1acGREMWpjbTl3Sm1OeWIzQTlZMlZ1ZEdWeUpUSkRZMlZ1ZEdWeUptSnNaVzVrTFdOdmJHOXlQVEF3TURBd01DWmliR1Z1WkMxdGIyUmxQVzExYkhScGNHeDVKbUpzWlc1a0xXRnNjR2hoUFRFbVluSnBQVEltYzJGMFBURXdKbkU5T1RrJTNEJmJsZW5kLW1vZGU9bm9ybWFsJmJsZW5kLXk9MTI5JmJsZW5kLXg9MzY0&blend-mode=multiply&mark64=aHR0cHM6Ly9oYXBweXdhbGwtc3RhdGl4LmltZ2l4Lm5ldC9yb29tcy8xMC5wbmc_dz03NjcmaD0xMTUyJmZpdD1taW4mY3JvcD1yaWdodCZhdXRvPWZvcm1hdCZxPTUw&mark-x=0&mark-y=0&q=50&auto=format)
Easy to install
You will be surprised how simple it is to mount Japanese Bird Flight wallpaper
Japanese Bird Flight wallpaper is made of non-woven material. Each panel is 50 cm / 19,7 inches wide
Custom wall size
Wallpapers specially for your walls
Production uses eco-friendly inks and the material is PVC free