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Modern Home
Modern Home

Modern Home

Welcome to my shop! I am excited to introduce my modern mural collection that features both digital and hand-painted contemporary and mid-century trending wallpapers. My curated selection of murals is designed to help you evolve your space and create a unique and modern look for your home but also for your office restaurant, bar, shop and especially to create individual hotel rooms and vacation homes. My modern mural collection includes: Modern Art Murals - A unique collection of modern art wallpaper that features bold and colorful designs. Perfect for adding a pop of color to any room in your home or commercial space Mid-Century Modern Murals - Trending wall murals offering an engaging blend of nostalgia and contemporary sophistication. With bold geometrical patterns and captivating mural motifs, these murals are perfect for creating a retro-inspired yet timeless look onto your walls Abstract Art Mural: Artwork that features unique and captivating designs that are sure to To elevate your space and make a statement in any room


Style Has No Age Female Portrait

Style Has No Age Female Portrait

Shapes Mid Century Art Green Gold

Shapes Mid Century Art Green Gold

Fancy Flowers Henry Matisse Style

Fancy Flowers Henry Matisse Style

Summer Meadow Wildflower Watercolor Art

Summer Meadow Wildflower Watercolor Art

Matisse Groovy Pastel Flower Garden

Matisse Groovy Pastel Flower Garden

Leafy Elegance Modern Nature Art Teal

Leafy Elegance Modern Nature Art Teal

Simple Stripes Pink

Simple Stripes Pink

Leafy Elegance Brown Gold

Leafy Elegance Brown Gold

Whimsy Flowers Henry Matisse Style

Whimsy Flowers Henry Matisse Style

Fantasy Unicorn Rainbow Forest

Fantasy Unicorn Rainbow Forest

Fancy Botanical Henry Matisse Style

Fancy Botanical Henry Matisse Style

Golden Boho Tropical Vibes

Golden Boho Tropical Vibes

Boho Mid Century Style Blush Peach

Boho Mid Century Style Blush Peach

Tropical Jungle Zebra Adventure

Tropical Jungle Zebra Adventure

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Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB