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Tal Paz-Fridman

Tal Paz-Fridman

My name is Tal Paz-Fridman, I am a photographer specializing in Creative-Documentary photography. To paraphrase the description of one of my favorite photographers, Sam Abell, my style of photography is documentary in the sense that I record the world around me. However, I feel my best work has transcendent qualities, starting at the documentary level yet open to interpretation on an aesthetic level.


The Uniqueness of Waves XXXVI

The Uniqueness of Waves XXXVI

Orange, Green and Dark

Orange, Green and Dark

The Uniqueness of Waves XXXVII

The Uniqueness of Waves XXXVII

The Pink Half

The Pink Half

Winter Surfing III

Winter Surfing III



The fisherman I

The fisherman I

Scenes from Eilat 2018 32

Scenes from Eilat 2018 32

Sunrise over Ramon crater 6

Sunrise over Ramon crater 6

Electricity Plant

Electricity Plant

Atmosphere II

Atmosphere II

In light of current events IV

In light of current events IV

Clouds 7

Clouds 7

Two Sailboats

Two Sailboats

Autumn Clouds

Autumn Clouds

Winter is finally here

Winter is finally here

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