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Marin Vaan Zaal
Marin Vaan Zaal

Marin Vaan Zaal

An American artist specializing in modern forms, color relationships, minimalism and a sense of harmony between elements.


Bright Colors Mosaic

Bright Colors Mosaic

Bright cubist mosaic

Bright cubist mosaic

Geometric colors mosaic

Geometric colors mosaic

Nude in Blue

Nude in Blue

Abstract shape composition

Abstract shape composition

Muted Blues Mosaic B

Muted Blues Mosaic B

Thick line portrait on ochre

Thick line portrait on ochre

Muted Modern Shapes

Muted Modern Shapes

Bright mosaic

Bright mosaic

Faded mosaic

Faded mosaic

Thin Line Portrait on Viridian

Thin Line Portrait on Viridian

Grainy tree

Grainy tree

Muted Shapes In Blue

Muted Shapes In Blue

Minimalist color cutouts

Minimalist color cutouts

Overlapping minimalism

Overlapping minimalism

Muted Blues Mosaic A

Muted Blues Mosaic A

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