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Jessica Beck
Jessica Beck

Jessica Beck

Hello! I am a Brazilian surface designer with a bold, cute and whimsical style. I create playful patterns, and my purpose is to share joy with the world. I believe we need more color in our lives. Hope you can find here designs to make you and your walls happy! I love connecting with people, please feel free to contact me. | IG @jessica.rbeck | jessicadrbeck@gmail.com


Papercut Roses | V1

Papercut Roses | V1

Flourishing Hearts

Flourishing Hearts

Spiraling Flowers | Blue

Spiraling Flowers | Blue

Coneflowers and Butterflies | Pink

Coneflowers and Butterflies | Pink

Climbing Roses

Climbing Roses

Spiraling Flowers | Pink

Spiraling Flowers | Pink

Majestic Tulips | Peach

Majestic Tulips | Peach

Fuzzy Tulips | Green

Fuzzy Tulips | Green

Spiraling Flowers | Red

Spiraling Flowers | Red

Majestic Tulips

Majestic Tulips

Papercut Roses | V2

Papercut Roses | V2

Floral Stripes

Floral Stripes

Coneflowers and Butterflies

Coneflowers and Butterflies

Fuzzy Tulips | Blue

Fuzzy Tulips | Blue

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