Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey
Wallpaper with opulent baroque flowers in black and grey

Opulent Baroque Flowers Black And Grey tapete




CHF 35.00 / m2

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This stunning black wallpaper is sure to style up any room. Perfect for creating a romantic mood, the wallpaper features an array of delicate blooms in moody colors, and is perfect for adding a botanical twist to any space. Get in touch with your creative side and use this delicate design to create a truly unique and eye-catching look. The large opulent flowers create a soft and elegant, yet still striking, aesthetic. Perfect for creating a beautiful and inviting atmosphere. And this artwork is not only charming for feminine spaces and private homes but also for all kind of commercial purposes like clubs, shops, bars, restaurants or hotel rooms

Opulent Baroque Flowers Black And Grey wallpaper roll

Einfach zu installieren

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Opulent Baroque Flowers Black And Grey tapete zu mounten

Nicht gewebt

Opulent Baroque Flowers Black And Grey tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit

Benutzerdefinierte Wandgröße

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Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei

Urheberrechte © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB