Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural
Geometric green and black mid-century modern wall mural

Modern Mid Century Green tapete




CHF 35.00 / m2

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The Modern Mid Century Green wallpaper offers a unique synthesis of Mid-Century modern design and art deco aesthetics. Serving trend-conscious individuals, this stunning piece of art injects vibrancy and personality into any space, with its organic patterns of interlaced shapes merging seamlessly to create a compelling visual adventure. The motley greens encapsulate the essence of earth, with layers of tonal hues nodding to nature's richness, diversity, and resilience. This fusion of art and design elements sets a mood, evoking a tranquil, contemplative atmosphere that celebrates the desire for a more grounded, connected life. The Modern Mid Century Green wallpaper is an embodiment of a trend that appreciates organic forms, embraces the subconscious link to nature, and gazes back to the art deco period for inspiration. It's not just a background, it's a conversation starter.

Modern Mid Century Green wallpaper roll

Einfach zu installieren

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Modern Mid Century Green tapete zu mounten

Nicht gewebt

Modern Mid Century Green tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit

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Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei

Urheberrechte © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB