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Sara is a surface pattern designer based in Canada. Her creative purpose is to create art that brings happiness and joy to lives all around the world. she gets inspired by the beautiful nature of New Brunswick, a province she currently lives in Canada. She loves to use lines and shapes to stylize her designs to give them depth and playfulness. Being in the surface design world has helped her to look at her surroundings deeper, to pay attention to little details and appreciate the beauty of the world. She enjoys reflecting the beauty of the world into patterns but with a twist of her own interpretation.


Evil eye protection

Evil eye protection

Moth garden

Moth garden

Symmetrical garden - light background

Symmetrical garden - light background

Bold boho

Bold boho

Botanical foliage

Botanical foliage

Colorful abstract shapes

Colorful abstract shapes

Sunshine Field

Sunshine Field

Colourful roller coaster- large scale

Colourful roller coaster- large scale

Diamond floral - delicate

Diamond floral - delicate

Diamond floral - soft

Diamond floral - soft

Bold and colourful

Bold and colourful

Rays of sunlight

Rays of sunlight

Blue rays - symmetrical garden

Blue rays - symmetrical garden

Buttercup flowers

Buttercup flowers

Dark blue and light botanical garden

Dark blue and light botanical garden

Symmetrical garden - green

Symmetrical garden - green

Rainbow roller coaster

Rainbow roller coaster

Soft and modern Damask

Soft and modern Damask

Green and red moths

Green and red moths

Looking at the sky

Looking at the sky

Diamond flower - cream

Diamond flower - cream

Happy days

Happy days

Little happy floral gold and green

Little happy floral gold and green

Sunshine field - cream

Sunshine field - cream

Evil eye protection - small scale

Evil eye protection - small scale

Light ditsy floral - sage

Light ditsy floral - sage

Sunshine field - orange

Sunshine field - orange

Happy nights

Happy nights

Golden rays of leaves

Golden rays of leaves

Moth garden - small scale

Moth garden - small scale

Symmetrical garden

Symmetrical garden

Soft Floral Damask

Soft Floral Damask

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