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Hi, I'm Julia, a Textile Designer from Germany. I create artwork for wallpaper and all other home textile surfaces you can beautify. I love my job, because I can work creatively and I'm in contact with people from all over the world. Interested - then see my following designs and check out my website and IG


Soul Garden Cuadricula sol

Soul Garden Cuadricula sol

Soul Garden Ondas agua

Soul Garden Ondas agua

Cork Stamps Vertical

Cork Stamps Vertical

Lotus Leaves

Lotus Leaves

Soul Garden Sol oliva

Soul Garden Sol oliva

Butterflies & Orchids

Butterflies & Orchids

Soul Garden Arco sol

Soul Garden Arco sol

Seashell Flower

Seashell Flower

Soul Garden Cuadros marron antiguo

Soul Garden Cuadros marron antiguo

Soul Garden Rayas nubes

Soul Garden Rayas nubes

Textured Stripes Green

Textured Stripes Green

Soul Garden Alga prado

Soul Garden Alga prado

Crabs Lobsters and Seahorses

Crabs Lobsters and Seahorses

Dancing Fern

Dancing Fern

Flower Wheel Blue

Flower Wheel Blue

Soul Garden Puntos antiguo

Soul Garden Puntos antiguo

Soul Garden Zarcillo arcilla

Soul Garden Zarcillo arcilla

Soul Garden Trama marron

Soul Garden Trama marron

Soul Garden Red Textura marmol

Soul Garden Red Textura marmol

Soul Garden Rama agua y playa

Soul Garden Rama agua y playa

Pilea peperomioides on mocha mousse

Pilea peperomioides on mocha mousse

grass ocher

Grass ocher

Jumbo Shaky Leaf Tendril

Jumbo Shaky Leaf Tendril

Soul Garden Rombos carbon

Soul Garden Rombos carbon

Lavender Floral Dahlia Elegance

Lavender Floral Dahlia Elegance

Soul Garden Flores

Soul Garden Flores

Soul Garden Botanica concreto

Soul Garden Botanica concreto

Happy Big Cat ocher

Happy Big Cat ocher

Upside Down Rainbow

Upside Down Rainbow

Cool and warm textured Brushstrokes

Cool and warm textured Brushstrokes

Golden Drops

Golden Drops

Black Watercolor Branches

Black Watercolor Branches

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