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I was born in Spain and live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am an enthusiast of the arts in general, I started to get involved with Digital Art in the beginning of 2001 and a few years later I also started to make paintings in Acrylic and Watercolor. My creations consist of abstracts, landscapes and florals. I appreciate several artistic styles, but my favorite is abstractionism.


Exotic Tropical Garden

Exotic Tropical Garden

Boho Geometric

Boho Geometric



Overlapping Parts 13

Overlapping Parts 13

My flowery garden

My flowery garden

Street Art

Street Art

Pollock Wink 7

Pollock Wink 7

Shapes and Patterns

Shapes and Patterns

Abstract Composition 1108

Abstract Composition 1108

Tropical Scenery 3

Tropical Scenery 3

Rounded Parts 6

Rounded Parts 6

Joy of Colors 7

Joy of Colors 7

Tropical Garden 26

Tropical Garden 26

Wildflowers 7

Wildflowers 7

Joy of Colors 4

Joy of Colors 4

Rounded Pieces 7

Rounded Pieces 7

Geometric Concept 40

Geometric Concept 40

Geometric Concept 44

Geometric Concept 44

Sinuous Shapes 8

Sinuous Shapes 8

Rounded Pieces 4

Rounded Pieces 4

Geometric Concept 61

Geometric Concept 61

Colorful Pieces

Colorful Pieces

Geometric Concept 18

Geometric Concept 18

Joy of Colors 3

Joy of Colors 3

Colored Brush Strokes 3

Colored Brush Strokes 3

Abstract Composition 1158

Abstract Composition 1158

Ink Splashes

Ink Splashes

Mid Century Modern 4

Mid Century Modern 4

Sinuous and Intertwined Shapes

Sinuous and Intertwined Shapes

Tropical Garden 25

Tropical Garden 25

Pollock Wink 33

Pollock Wink 33

Rounded Tips

Rounded Tips

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