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Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme
Tropical Monstera leaves pattern wall mural in a blue and green color scheme

Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 tapete




42,00 € / m2

36,00 € / m2

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Immerse yourself in the lush vibes of a subtropical paradise with our Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 wall mural. Adorn your space with the magnificent sprawling leaves of the Monstera plant, rendered in rich shades of green with a contemporary color palette twist that brings an air of sophistication and serenity to any room. Each sizable leaf is artfully overlaid, creating a dense thicket of foliage that transforms walls into a serene hideaway. This wall mural is a perfect choice for those looking to add a touch of nature-infused calm to their home or office decor.

Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 wallpaper roll

Einfach zu installieren

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 tapete zu mounten

Nicht gewebt

Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit

Benutzerdefinierte Wandgröße

Tropical Monstera Jungle 2 tapete kann für Ihre Wand angepasst werden. Sie bestimmen die genaue Größe und wie Sie es zuschneiden möchten.


Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei

Urheberrechte © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB