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„Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller Spritzer mit unseren faszinierenden Hintergrundbildern“

Entdecken Sie unsere lebendige Kollektion von Tapeten mit Spritzern, die Ihren Wänden Leben einhauchen. Von künstlerischen Pinselstrichen bis hin zu filigranen Blumenmustern schaffen diese Designs eine fesselnde Atmosphäre. Perfekt für einen kreativen Touch, ist jede Tapete darauf ausgelegt, Ihre Umgebung zu verbessern. Entdecken Sie noch heute Ihr nächstes Lieblingsstück und genießen Sie den Komfort von kostenlosem Versand bei Ihrer Bestellung. Verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause mit atemberaubenden Stilen, die inspirieren!


Fiery Horse Elegance

Fiery Horse Elegance

Eucalyptus with splashes softly faided

Eucalyptus with splashes softly faided

bright scratches and stains texture

Bright scratches and stains texture

Eucalyptus and watercolor splashes

Eucalyptus and watercolor splashes

Paint Splashes 2

Paint Splashes 2

Eucalyptus dream

Eucalyptus dream

Pollock Wink 67

Pollock Wink 67

Flower dream

Flower dream

Elegant watercolor roses

Elegant watercolor roses

Pink roses and others in a morning dance

Pink roses and others in a morning dance

Romantic flower_shade Buttery White

Romantic flower_shade Buttery White

Pollock Wink 71

Pollock Wink 71

Paint Splashes ​ 3

Paint Splashes ​ 3

Green tropical

Green tropical

Romantic flower_shades of grey

Romantic flower_shades of grey

Brush Strokes and Splashes 2

Brush Strokes and Splashes 2

Watercolor Dino - grey blue

Watercolor Dino - grey blue

Captivating single daisy

Captivating single daisy

Terracotta and Military Green Splashes

Terracotta and Military Green Splashes

Paint Splashes

Paint Splashes

Watercolor roses and leaves from the top

Watercolor roses and leaves from the top

Brush Strokes and Splashes 3

Brush Strokes and Splashes 3

World Map Mural Coffee

World Map Mural Coffee

Multiple Colorful Splashes

Multiple Colorful Splashes

Celestial scratches and stains texture

Celestial scratches and stains texture

Midnight Splash

Midnight Splash

Golden Blood Abstract 3

Golden Blood Abstract 3

Confetti sparkles pattern / 3105

Confetti sparkles pattern / 3105

Watercolor romantic sunsnet

Watercolor romantic sunsnet

Golden Blood Abstract 2

Golden Blood Abstract 2

World Map Mural Black

World Map Mural Black

Fierce Crocodile Splash

Fierce Crocodile Splash

Modern Art Retro Spheres Bubbles Pink

Modern Art Retro Spheres Bubbles Pink

Golden Splash over Indigo Metal

Golden Splash over Indigo Metal

Ink Splashes 2

Ink Splashes 2

Poppy dream meadow

Poppy dream meadow

World Map Mural Navy

World Map Mural Navy

Teddy Bears and Leaves

Teddy Bears and Leaves

Golden Splashes over Green Metal

Golden Splashes over Green Metal

World Map Mural Teal

World Map Mural Teal

Whimsical Brushstroke Beauty

Whimsical Brushstroke Beauty

Golden Blood Abstract 1

Golden Blood Abstract 1

Stormy Strokes

Stormy Strokes

Buffalo Run Reflection

Buffalo Run Reflection

Green metal with blue tears

Green metal with blue tears

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