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Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room
Rustic Leaf Damask wallpaper in a room

Rustic Leaf Damask large – forest green tapete




42,00 € / m2

36,00 € / m2

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Elevate your space with this luxurious dark green damask wallpaper, featuring hand-painted fern leaf motifs in a timeless, refined composition. The rich green tones exude sophistication and grandeur, making it ideal for Baroque-inspired interiors. The design’s deep color and intricate damask pattern create a dramatic atmosphere perfect for statement walls in moody bedrooms, opulent living rooms, and elegant home offices. Perfect for upscale restaurants, boutique hotels, private clubs, and high-end residences, this wallpaper brings a touch of historical opulence to any room.
Looking for a different color or scale? Explore more options on Aline Bea’s designer page. And reach out to Aline for personalized color options

Rustic Leaf Damask large – forest green wallpaper roll

Einfach zu installieren

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Rustic Leaf Damask large – forest green tapete zu mounten

Nicht gewebt

Rustic Leaf Damask large – forest green tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit

Benutzerdefinierte Wandgröße

Rustic Leaf Damask large – forest green tapete kann für Ihre Wand angepasst werden. Sie bestimmen die genaue Größe und wie Sie es zuschneiden möchten.


Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei

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