Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper
Idyllic lake with boats and Mount Fuji wallpaper

Idyllic Lake Shoji with Mount Fuji | colorkey tapete




42,00 € / m2

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A peaceful idyll spreads out on the shores of picturesque Lake Shoji, while the majestic Fuji-san is reflected in the calm waters. Along the shore, boats rest quietly in the clear water, ready to take visitors on a silent cruise across the lake. This enchanting black and white image with highlighted vibrant colors, nestled in the pristine nature and sublime splendor of Mount Fuji, invites you to enjoy the moment of quiet beauty and unwind.

Idyllic Lake Shoji with Mount Fuji | colorkey wallpaper roll

Einfach zu installieren

Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Idyllic Lake Shoji with Mount Fuji | colorkey tapete zu mounten

Nicht gewebt

Idyllic Lake Shoji with Mount Fuji | colorkey tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit

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Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei

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Urheberrechte © 2025 Gimmersta Wallpaper AB