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Murals by Cecca Designs

Murals by Cecca Designs

Introducing Murals by Cecca Designs, a collection that brings a unique and whimsical touch to your walls. Each mural is thoughtfully crafted by the artist, Cecca Whetnall, taking you on a journey through the playful scenes of tiger tea time, peaceful whale paradises, and charming dinosaur-filled landscapes. These designs, featuring joyful themes and delightful imagery, are perfect for adding a touch of fun and imagination to nurseries, playrooms, or any space that could use a little joy. Explore the full collection and find your favorite mural to create an enchanting atmosphere in your home.


Dinosaur Stack - pastels on peach

Dinosaur Stack - pastels on peach

Whales Seascape Mural - dark navy

Whales Seascape Mural - dark navy

Dinosaur Herb Garden - peach and sage

Dinosaur Herb Garden - peach and sage

Guitar Girl - Navy

Guitar Girl - Navy

Whales Paradise Seascape Mural

Whales Paradise Seascape Mural

Tiger Tea Time - linocut mural

Tiger Tea Time - linocut mural

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