Beenden Sie den Februar mit einem guten Ergebnis: 15 % Rabatt auf unsere gesamte Tapetenkollektion. Frischen Sie Ihren Raum jetzt auf!


Modern geometric designs in a range of colour options from soft pastels to bold brights.


Mocha gingham on white - large scale

Mocha gingham on white - large scale

Gingham - rose pink on white

Gingham - rose pink on white

Sage gingham on white - large scale

Sage gingham on white - large scale

Fog blue gingham on white - large scale

Fog blue gingham on white - large scale

Triangles - Pink and Cream

Triangles - Pink and Cream

Modern Kilim - pastels

Modern Kilim - pastels

Modern Kilim - grey and white

Modern Kilim - grey and white

Modern Kilim - sunshine yellow and white

Modern Kilim - sunshine yellow and white

Modern Kilim - yellow, teal and tan

Modern Kilim - yellow, teal and tan

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