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Anna-Karin Lingham

Anna-Karin Lingham

I started painting to find out if there was anything hidden inside my mind that wanted to come out. And there was. Now I paint every now and then as a balance to my work in branding and business. It boosts the creativity in every area of my life. And, as I have learned, it also makes others happy. Each painting has its´own story and is often made with happy colors. I have had an interest in creativity and art since childhood, but it was only recently that I started giving acrylic painting some extra time and energy. Since then my artwork and interior design have started to live their own lives in peoples homes and on their walls.


To The Moon And Back

To The Moon And Back

Greener Pastures

Greener Pastures

Look Up

Look Up

Good News

Good News



Happy Babar

Happy Babar

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue

Holy Cows

Holy Cows

Every Step Matters

Every Step Matters

Milkyway Moment

Milkyway Moment

Every Time I Hear This Song

Every Time I Hear This Song

I Notice

I Notice

Blue Dusk

Blue Dusk

The Hood Of Dreamers And Doers

The Hood Of Dreamers And Doers

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