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Lisa Jasmin Bauer
Lisa Jasmin Bauer

Lisa Jasmin Bauer

Mit arbejde handler om farver, form og sjove kombinationer: En konstant udforskning, lavet af glade tilfældigheder, kompositioner fulde af liv og positiv energi, som jeg ønsker at sprede rundt på: Jeg ser min kunst som karma, der sætter gode og legende vibes ind i mit arbejde så mine designs kan bringe godheden tilbage til verden og håbe på, at min kunst bringer noget lys og glæde ind i folks liv. Lad mig bringe dig farve og glæde! Jeg ville elske at se, hvad du laver, tag mig venligst på instagram @lisajasminbauer //


Green on Pink Grid Pattern

Green on Pink Grid Pattern

Blue on Pink Grid

Blue on Pink Grid

Purple and Orange Stripes

Purple and Orange Stripes

Red on pink Grid

Red on pink Grid

Pink and red stripes

Pink and red stripes

blue and green color blocking with stripes

Blue and green color blocking with stripes

Pink and blue stripes

Pink and blue stripes

Green and blue stripes

Green and blue stripes

Rose and Green Stripes

Rose and Green Stripes

Fun Graphic Collection Nr.1

Fun Graphic Collection Nr.1

yellow on white grid

Yellow on white grid

Pink half circle shapes on green

Pink half circle shapes on green

Pink and Blue diagonal Stripes

Pink and Blue diagonal Stripes

Rose cutout stripes

Rose cutout stripes

Orange and Lilac Checker

Orange and Lilac Checker

Blue cuts

Blue cuts

Green cuts

Green cuts

Yellow and pink vertical stripes

Yellow and pink vertical stripes

Circus orange ornaments

Circus orange ornaments

Green on white grid

Green on white grid

Rose Gingham

Rose Gingham

Joyful mix of shapes

Joyful mix of shapes

Red and Pink Checker

Red and Pink Checker

Cut out collage

Cut out collage

Blue strokes on pink

Blue strokes on pink

Ultra pink gingham

Ultra pink gingham

Green Gingham

Green Gingham

Pink on white grid

Pink on white grid

Orange on white grid

Orange on white grid

rosa and blue stripes on light blue

Rosa and blue stripes on light blue

Beige Gingham

Beige Gingham

Lilac Gingham

Lilac Gingham

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