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Mocha Mousse - Pantone Color of the Year 2025

Mocha Mousse - Pantone Color of the Year 2025

Introducing the Mocha Mousse collection by DesigndN, inspired by the Pantone Color of the Year 2025. This exclusive range features a sophisticated palette of rich, earthy tones that bring warmth and depth to any space. From the elegant lines of the Decor Bright and Canvas designs to the tranquil ambiance of the Zen Garden patterns, each piece in this collection is a testament to the beauty of simplicity. Elevate your interior with the timeless appeal of Mocha Mousse.


Zen Garden Mocha Mousse

Zen Garden Mocha Mousse

Coffee Safari Plaid

Coffee Safari Plaid

Mocha Mousse Coffee Plaid

Mocha Mousse Coffee Plaid

Mocha Mousse Warm Plaid

Mocha Mousse Warm Plaid

Elegant Lines Decor Mocha Mousse Canvas

Elegant Lines Decor Mocha Mousse Canvas

Mocha Mousse Plaid

Mocha Mousse Plaid

Elegant Lines Decor Safari Canvas

Elegant Lines Decor Safari Canvas

Mocha Mousse Accento

Mocha Mousse Accento

Mocha Mousse Safari Plaid

Mocha Mousse Safari Plaid

Mocha Mousse Fraseggio

Mocha Mousse Fraseggio

Mocha Mousse Sonata

Mocha Mousse Sonata

Safari Plaid

Safari Plaid

Mocha Mousse Solfeggio

Mocha Mousse Solfeggio

Boho Waves on Mocha Mousse Canvas

Boho Waves on Mocha Mousse Canvas

Mocha Mousse Ritmo

Mocha Mousse Ritmo

Coffee Quartz Plaid

Coffee Quartz Plaid

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