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Boho & vintage Mandala Designs

Boho & vintage Mandala Designs

Step into a world of boho bliss with the Mandala Wallpaper collection by Bloomery Decor. Create a haven of harmony and bliss into your home, bedroom or office with unique mandala designs in golden tints and neutral beige tones. This collection of hand-painted bohemian motifs will is a great choice if you're looking for a modern bohemian wallpaper to bring a positive vibe with chic accents in your home and onto your walls! Original design by Bloomery Decor, available on


Gold boho mandala on beige linen

Gold boho mandala on beige linen

Vintage neutral boho mandala

Vintage neutral boho mandala

Boho Marrakesh mandala - beige cream

Boho Marrakesh mandala - beige cream

Pastel Boho mandala

Pastel Boho mandala

Boho Geometric Mandala – beige gold

Boho Geometric Mandala – beige gold

Golden sparkling boho mandala white

Golden sparkling boho mandala white

Boho golden mandala stars - soft beige

Boho golden mandala stars - soft beige

Boho Geo Mandala apricot

Boho Geo Mandala apricot

Elegant Geometric Mandala – Gold Ivory

Elegant Geometric Mandala – Gold Ivory

Golden boho mandala - dark

Golden boho mandala - dark

Boho Marrakesh mandala tile - Azure

Boho Marrakesh mandala tile - Azure

Vintage blush white boho mandala

Vintage blush white boho mandala

Boho Marrakesh mandala tile - blush pink

Boho Marrakesh mandala tile - blush pink

Starburst golden boho mandala

Starburst golden boho mandala

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