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Anagram is a creative studio based in the south of Sweden, founded by the innovative artist Rebecca. Here you'll find a collection with both handprinted wallpapers and photographs, all inspired by nature's calming colors and magical ways of creating art. Hope you enjoy my gallery!


Watercolors Green a boho/japandi mural

Watercolors Green a boho/japandi mural

Morning Sunlight nature photography

Morning Sunlight nature photography

Watercolors Rust a boho/japandi mural

Watercolors Rust a boho/japandi mural

Tropical Sunrise Gradient

Tropical Sunrise Gradient

Playful and abstract boho kids mural

Playful and abstract boho kids mural

Tropical Sunset 1

Tropical Sunset 1

Tropical Sunset 3

Tropical Sunset 3

Gradient Aqua Orange

Gradient Aqua Orange

Tropical Sunset 2

Tropical Sunset 2

Citrus floral botanical watercolor mural

Citrus floral botanical watercolor mural

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